Identifying the Right Affiliates for You

Being in the Affiliate industry for so many years, time and time again, we’re faced with THE golden question…
What are the top affiliates in X market for Y product?

We’ll let you in on a little secret…the truth is, there are so many ways to discover new SEO affiliates that, most of the time, it’s hard to give one distinct answer or list. However, we’re a persistent bunch so after many iterations of ways to answer this burning question, we are proud to reveal a defined method that we’re confident gives a fair assessment of the affiliate list you’re looking for!

Find your Top Affiliate by Market and Product

Keyword Research

The first step is to understand the search habits of your target customers, what terms they are actively typing in and which pages they are landing on.

This is where we (or more specifically our tool) come in! We’ll start by identifying the top affiliates and operators which, from our experience, we’re confident to have a stronghold in the market for the specific product that you’re looking for. We will then confirm their SEO rankings and quality whilst retrieving the keywords they rank for together with the relevant stats of each keyword.

The Results Are In

All keywords are then stored in our platform combining all metrics and competitive insights, across the related sources. Based on this we output a shortlist of keywords relevant to your market and product.

These keywords are then searched for on the relevant browsers, with the correct and localised browser settings, in order to retrieve the most relevant results across the various markets and products.

Time to Score Affiliates

All the keyword results are grouped together to obtain one unique list containing your search results. However, the work’s not over yet! These results are reviewed by our experienced affiliate marketing team to identify the relevant affiliates for you!

Once the affiliates have been identified, a scoring system is created based on how well the ranked affiliates measure up to your target keywords. And you’re good to go! Problem solved!

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